Volo Cloud Foundations

Cloud on Autopilot. Swift and accurate setup and maintenance of well-configured cloud landing zones and shared services. In any cloud, within minutes.

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The problem

Operating secure and efficient cloud environments is complex and expensive.

While the cloud presents countless opportunities, moving to the cloud, and securing and maintaining cloud environments at best-practice levels is challenging. You either need expertise in-house or engage expensive external MSPs – and hope they follow best practices.

With misconfigured clouds leading to high costs, slower processing times, and increased security risks, can you afford to hand over control to external MSPs? At the same time, bringing skills in-house is also often expensive – and what if they leave?

Despite these challenges, not operating in the cloud means missing out on opportunities and risking losing market share to competitors.

Volo solves this problem by automating the setup and maintenance of cloud environments, adhering to best practice standards. As an ISV Qualified Partner, Volo's SaaS is regularly reviewed and validated by Cloud Service Providers, ensuring quality and adherence to best practices, giving you peace of mind.

The Pitfalls of Relying on MSPs

High costs

Relying on MSPs can lead to higher expenses due to service fees, hidden costs, and inefficiencies from not being deeply integrated into your specific needs.

Loss of Control

Using MSPs often means losing direct control over your cloud environment, leading to slower response times and potential misalignment with your business objectives.

Security risks

Outsourcing to MSPs can expose your cloud environment to security risks if they do not adhere to the highest security standards or lack comprehensive oversight.

The solution

Automated Cloud Foundations

The Volo platform enables the swift and accurate setup and maintenance of well-configured, up-to-date cloud landing zones and shared services, in any cloud, within minutes, by automating the process.

Volo is an ISV Qualified Partner and the Volo solution is regularly reviewed and validated by Cloud Service Providers, ensuring quality and adherence to best practices, giving you peace of mind.

With Volo, you don't need to hire cloud configuration experts or engage expensive MSPs. Instead, Volo does the heavy lifting for you allowing you to focus on what you do best. Whether you are moving to the cloud or already there, the Volo platform provides peace of mind and lowers costs .

Image of Volo multi cloud landing zone

Recognized globally for innovation in cloud technology

Benefits of your Cloud on Autopilot

Reduce Costs

Reduce cloud management costs by 70% by fully automating the setup and maintenance of cloud landing zones and shared services, eliminating the need for expensive resources and MSPs.

Keep Control

Remain in full control of your cloud environment at all times. Don't just hope your external MSPs are doing a good job. Know that your cloud is secure and optimized.

More Secure and Compliant

Enforce security and compliance controls, track risk posture, ensure things are done right and reduce reporting overheads.

How it works

Cloud Foundations with Volo

The landing zones and shared services provided by Volo are standardized and consistent, while tailored to meet the specific needs of individual customers. Volo is built on Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Terraform, a widely used IaC tool.

Volo Cloud Foundations are accessible to customers through a Terraform Provider plugin that allows easy interaction with the Volo platform.

Have any questions? Get in Touch.

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Get Volo Now

Volo works with all major cloud providers.


Coming soon

The Volo advantage

Without Volo

  • MSP or cloud infrastructure team required
  • Weeks or months to deploy
  • Expensive
  • Ad-hoc and specific
  • Out of date, to be maintained
  • Deep understanding of cloud providers' services required
  • Risk of misconfiguration

With Volo

  • Free up 90% of cloud team and MSPs
  • Minutes to deploy
  • Cost effective
  • Multi-cloud and standardized
  • Evergreen and maintained (no drift)
  • No need for a deep understanding of the cloud
  • Configured to best practice and in control

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Articles & Resources


Cloud Silos: What Are They and How to Avoid Them

Cloud services offer great flexibility, scalability, and accessibility. However, this convenience has given rise to a common challenge known as "cloud silos". In this article, we delve into related issues and how to avoid them.


Cloud Landing Zones: The Foundation for Success

Achieving success in the cloud isn't just about migrating applications and services; it's about establishing a robust foundation that prioritizes security, operational simplicity, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and compliance.


Cloud Drift: What It Is and Why You Want to Avoid It

Harnessing the power and flexibility of the cloud is not without challenges. One of the most significant is what's called "Cloud Drift". This article explores what Cloud Drift is, the issues it causes, and strategies to avoid it.